par Agathe | Déc 5, 2022 | News, Researcher spotlight
RECETAS workshop in BarcelonaLoneliness, societies and nature: Reflections of a changing world In November 17, within the framework of the activities around World Mental Health Day, Osonament in collaboration with UVic-UCC held the workshop « Loneliness, societies and...
par Agathe | Avr 20, 2022 | News
1ST RECETAS CAUSAL INFERENCE WORKSHOP On March 4, 2022, RECETAS held the 1st Causal-Inference Workshop. Partners of all six study sites were invited. RECETAS aims at evaluating nature-based social prescribing (NbSP) within Europe, Latin America, and Australia....
par Agathe | Déc 16, 2021 | News
RECETAS LAUNCH WORKSHOP – CUENCA Following the virtual launch of the RECETAS international project in Cuenca, which took place on 7th July 2021, a face-to-face launching workshop was held on 29th October 2021 at the library of the University of Cuenca. RECETAS...
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