
Nature, Wellbeing, Connections in cities

What is Recetas?

A green project to reduce loneliness

Can the prescription of social activities in natural spaces reduce feelings of loneliness and improve quality of life in urban contexts?

The RECETAS (Re-imagining Environments for Connection and Engagement: Testing Actions for Social Prescribing in Natural Spaces) project aims to provide answers.

Our consortium, composed of 13 institutions from 9 different countries, is using multidisciplinary approaches to implement Nature Based Social Prescribing (NBSP). We are carrying out three observational studies and three randomised controlled trials in six cities worldwide: Barcelona, Marseille, Prague, Helsinki, Cuenca (Ecuador) and Melbourne.

The project, which began in March 2021, and will last 5 years, is financed by a 5 million euro grant from the European Union through its Horizon 2020 programme.

What is Nature Based Social Prescription (NBSP) ?

Walking in a park, growing tomatoes, cultivating flowers… these activities could be proposed as Nature Based Social Prescriptions !

NBSP consists of care professionals and lonely people identifying activities related to nature and green spaces that can improve their health and well-being. This innovative method can be a real therapeutic pathway, or can even globally improve the quality of life of citizens.







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